Self Assessments

We provide a number of diagnostic tests that can detect the risk or presence of heart or vascular disease.
Whether you need to visit The Heart and Vascular Center or want to self assess, now’s the perfect time to take control of your health. Here are some tools and tests you can take on your own.
Calculate Your Risk of Developing Cardiovascular Disease
Memorial Hospital created this questionnaire to help patients find their risk for cardiovascular disease.
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Risk Assessment
Do you have pain in your legs when you walk? This short quiz can tell you if you are at risk for PAD.
Stroke Risk Assessment
Take this simple questionnaire to determine if you might be at risk for a stroke.
American Heart Association Assessments
In addition, the American Heart Association has a number of excellent self-assessment you can do at home.
Heart Attack Risk Assessment (AHA)
This tool can help you find out if you’re at risk of a heart attack or death in the next decade.
High Blood Pressure Risk Calculator (AHA)
Learn how high blood pressure affects your health and the changes you can make to improve it.
My Diabetes Health Assessment (AHA)
Diabetes can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. This tool provides a personalized plan to living a healthier life.
My Life Check (AHA)
Find out your heart score from the AHA along with steps you can take to lead a healthier life.
Quiz Yourself (AHA)
Heart-healthy quizzes from the AHA.
Body Mass Index Calculator (AHA)
This calculator will tell you what your body mass index (BMI) is.
Cost of Smoking Calculator (AHA)
Find out exactly how much money smoking is costing you.

Are You at Risk for Cardiac Disease?
Take our simple Cardiac Risk Assessment to find out.
Could You Have Peripheral Artery Disease?
Take our easy PAD Risk Assessment quiz to find out your risk.
Cardiac Calcium Scoring
Memorial offers an important screening that can tell you your risk of heart disease.