PAD Assessment
Your risk level is: High
Answering “yes” to any of these questions indicates that you are at high risk of PAD, which occurs when the arteries of the leg become narrowed or clogged with fatty deposits, or plaque. If untreated, PAD can lead to pain at rest or amputation of the affected leg. You should request that your primary care physician refer you for a screening at Memorial Heart and Vascular Center of Excellence by calling ONE Call at (618) 767-7000. ONE Call is available 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
This assessment is only a tool to assess your current cardiovascular health. This tool is not designed to diagnose cardiovascular disease.
Your risk level is: Low
If you answered “no” to all of the questions, you are most likely not at risk for cardiovascular disease right now. However, you should keep up with your regular physicals, eat right, and exercise.
This assessment is only a tool to gauge your current vascular health. This tool is not designed to diagnose vascular disease.
Do you have pain in your legs when you walk? This short quiz can tell you if you are at risk for PAD.
Calculate your risk of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) by filling out the form below. After submitting the form, we will calculate your results. These results will indicate if you should talk to your primary care physician about a referral for a PAD screening from a Memorial Heart & Vascular Center of Excellence physician.